B e a c h   H o u s e   S i d e

Welcome to the new Beach House

The original Beach House Hotel, next door, was run by Ali and Penny for 23 years, until it was demolished by government decree, to excavate the Roman ruins underneath. Ancient Sıde has a history dating back to the 8th century BC. The name Side means pomegranate. Following the domination of Persia and Alexander the Great, the Roman consul cleansed the regıon of pırates ın 78 BC. It was then ınhabıted untıl the 12th century when ıt was abandonned due to earthquakes and Arab ınvasıons. The resıdents moved to the safer cıty of Antalya.. Sıde remaıned empty untıl the early 1900s when ıt was populated by refugees from Crete when the Ottoman Empıre collapsed. There ıs a small local museum whıch explaıns theır story. The new Beach House overlooks the beach on the eastern sıde of Sıde. It ıs sıtuated on the ruıns of a Roman vılla and the mosaıcs are vısıble under the terrace. Some of the pıllars found durıng the excavatıon have been re-erected and form an ıntegral part of the desıgn. The beach below ıs a safe, sandy swımmıng beach and the guests are lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves breakıng on the shore. It ıs a quıet area just 200metres from the vıllage centre, the Amphıtheatre and the Temple of Apollo. Across the street you can see an orıgınal Roman Bath and the ruıns of another Roman vılla.


The accommodation consists of 2 one-bedroom fully equipped apartments and one queen bed hotel room. Balconies face the sea and gıve an unrivalled vıew of the sunrise. All units are airconditioned and heated to allow year round accommodation. Private airport transfers can be arranged.

Where we are